Feel Loved, Adored, Cherished And Secure In Your Relationship; No Matter How Hopeless It Feels Right Now.

Focus On Your Needs And Wants, Choose Your Words, And Turn Your Relationship Around. 

Feel Fantastic, Have Fun Dating And Attract An Amazing Man Who Is Ready For Commitment.


To Start Your Journey To Your Happy Ever After Download Your Free E-Book Here -

key steps
  • Fire up his desire and passion for you.
  • Grab his attention and keep him wanting to be close to you.

  • Build a long lasting connection.

  • Feel confident to be able to express yourself in a way he loves to hear.

When you enter your first name and your email address below I'll send you a link to my Free Report.  I'll also arrange for you to receive my regular newsletters which are crammed full of dating & relationship tips and advice.  You can unsubscribe at any time.

Some feedback from my clients...

After 39 years of marriage, last March my husband moved out, saying he loved me, didn't want a divorce, but couldn't be with me.  We had both recently retired from our jobs and I had been looking forward to enjoying our retirement together.  When my husband moved out, it threw me into deep sadness and regret.  I was in shock.  He was not interested in going to counseling together. I tried going to several counselors myself to try to process what was going on.  Each visit left me feeling worse than before, so I searched the internet looking for relationship information and found Michelle.
After the very first strategy session, I felt a shift and a lightness come over me. I knew she could help.  She was incredibly kind, supportive, and knew exactly the right questions to ask.  I signed up for 4 sessions. Each session moved me into a stronger, happier place.  Long story short, last Saturday,  my husband asked me in a quiet, soft voice, "Can I move back?".  I said, "Yes".
Michelle is amazing.  She helped me through this difficult time and I would absolutely recommend her to anyone.  I still feel supported knowing she is just a skype session away.  Thank you Michelle, from the bottom of my slowly mending heart!!!!!!
Debbie M, California, USA
Michelle has helped me to get a very clear feeling and sense of my medium and long term goals, and the steps to get there. I know what I am focusing on every morning. I’m in the early days of my new business and this focus keeps me going when I have days that feel like it’s all going wrong.
When I found Michelle I was at a very painful time in my life, with Michelle’s’ coaching I have found the strength and clarity to really know deep down what I want for myself and my life, and to make some big life changing decisions in my marriage and career that will change the course of my life.
I always feel so safe with Michelle, that she is there for me 100%. She is so skilled, calm, perceptive and compassionate. I recommend her highly.
Nadine T, Essex, UK
The last session was so powerful it has set me on a new course - I am back on the raw foods and feeling more energetic and steadily ploughing on with my commitments. I find I can 'tune into'' my wiser self when I lose focus and it is working really well.  Your style of coaching has really worked at a profound level and I feel like I can keep the momentum going on my own - hopefully indefinitely!
Alison M, Glossop, UK
I feel happy and grateful to have found you Michelle!  And also stronger now to cope with my feelings whatever creeps up.  THANKS TO YOU I realized that I was pushing my partner away because of my terrifying fear of intimacy I was not aware of before working with you!  YOU HELPED ME see this, radically accept it and face it!  Your tools are GREAT!  For me they made a difference in no time!  At the moment, I am back on track and feel happy again in my 12 years relationship which I never hoped could happen!  I cannot say enough about how good it feels to know you are there for me - understanding me, supporting me, teaching me and holding me accountable for practicing the tools!  You are definitely the best personal coach I ever had! Thank You!!!

Joanna S, Cornwall, UK

Michelle is a highly empathic coach with the skills and courage to challenge me and help me get at the core of matters.  She empowers me and helps me tap into my resources.  I totally trust her and her ability to help me move forward.  In my process of getting a new job and taking my next career step, she has helped me understand and overcome my negative self-talk.  She helps me to achieve results.  Not only has this helped me get another job, it will also have impact on how I move on in my career from now on.
I feel privileged to have Michelle as a coach.

Esther E, Germany

Michelle makes you feel comfortable to share with her.  I contacted Michelle following a break up and she has helped me take the focus off 'him' to exploring what it is within me that needed attention.  Some very powerful sessions and I now have a deeper understanding of my patterns etc.  I would recommend Michelle to anyone who is 'stuck' in their life who desire change.
Lorraine M, Worcester, UK
I've found the coaching very positive.  I have been and am still going through a very difficult period in my career facing the reality of a business I've worked very hard to grow and make successful going into liquidation.  Michelle helped with putting it into perspective, managing worst case scenarios, looking at coping techniques and a multitude of other ideas to help me through this difficult period.  I am now able to identify trigger points and put in measures to deal with problems and think more clearly and positively.
Andrea McC, Yorkshire, UK
Michelle has shown me the way to achieve what I want without losing myself, she taught me how to shine the light for my man to see what I want but more than that, she taught me how to allow him to give me what I need.  I shine the light and he takes me there! The sheer joy and ease in letting him lead me where I want to go has been a revelation. Once you feel the happiness, communication and ease of loving someone AND being loved, why would I want to go back?  Easy answer is I don’t and I have Michelle and her coaching to thank for that.  I know Michelle is only a click away if I get stuck in a rut or need a little direction.  After all life is a journey and we all need to grow and I can honestly say I am a happier and more content person since taking a path guided by Michelle.  

Dawn E, Arizona, USA

I contacted Michelle as I was feeling a lot of intense career related stress.  I found Michelle's coaching incredibly useful as I was given the tools to enable me to clarify in my own mind what was important to me and to prioritise the things I need to do to move forward.  I loved the fact that through the sessions I felt enabled to find answers for myself.  Michelle's coaching helped me to realise what I really wanted to do and to discover where my career related motivation truly lies.  This also had a knock on effect on other areas of my life including considerable weight loss (over 50 pounds) and a heightened sense of general well-being.  The actions I need to take to shape my own future are very clear to me now and I can visualise where I want to be.  My future path has now been transformed from feeling very unclear and worrying to feeling incredibly exciting.  Thank you so much Michelle!
Lisa BP, Cyprus
My coaching sessions with Michelle have made me aware that when I am challenged or stuck in the progress towards my goal, it is often the emotional aspects of my life that need to be dealt with.  She has a great presence – warm and compassionate while at the same time keeping things light and positive.  I come out of a session feeling refreshed and unburdened and with new reserves of energy.  I also appreciate Michelle’s persistent but gentle questioning, uncovering layers of fog to get to clarity.  She comes over as very professional and conscientious, and I have gained great value from our sessions particularly in terms of increased self awareness, greater acceptance of myself, more clarity and greater motivation.

Julie B, CA, USA

In the past few months I have had the opportunity to work with Michelle one on one. Her coaching has helped me to see myself in a new light and understand the importance of walking my own path. It's by staying on that path I get to live my life and let love come to me. It's giving me new confidence in who I am as a person.
Debbie J, LA, USA
It was so powerful being coached by Michelle. I have been coached before, but have never had such an amazing experience!  Michelle helped me see parts of myself that I never even knew existed. Her empathic listening skills with gentle probing, helped me set realistic goals for myself that seemed easily achievable. As a result, I have now started making changes in my life. I would highly recommend Michelle to anyone thinking about making the changes they need from their lives.
Sam F, Cyprus
Michelle helped me navigate the rocky waters of online datings and didn't let me give up on my dreams to meet and marry Mr. Right. When I got frustrated by the process of meeting so many ineligible men she helped me see a greater purpose for each date that inspired me to keep going. As promised, the quality of men I dated got better and better along the way. I know I will have my Mr. Right. It's just a matter of time. I love Michelle's sweet and strong demeanor. She's great to work with. 
Virginia L, California, USA 
I first heard Michelle speak, with good humour and knowledge, at a ladies’ event. At the time, I didn’t think much more about it. Within 6 months I’d become extremely “menopausal” and it was beginning to affect my marriage as I’d virtually lost my sex drive completely.
I, very cautiously, made the call to Michelle and it really was THE best call I could have made.
Michelle is a great listener, and in a wonderfully calm and matter of fact way, was able to offer several suggestions, advice and make recommendations which have impacted me, and my husband, greatly.
Our sex life is at its best and we are more in love than we’ve ever been, and we’ve always been very much “in love”.
I can’t thank Michelle enough, and would recommend for anyone with any relationship issues” to make that call, she really is a gem.

Suzy M, Manchester, UK

Michelle helped me navigate the rocky waters of online datings and didn't let me give up on my dreams to meet and marry Mr. Right. When I got frustrated by the process of meeting so many ineligible men she helped me see a greater purpose for each date that inspired me to keep going. As promised, the quality of men I dated got better and better along the way. I know I will have my Mr. Right. It's just a matter of time. I love Michelle's sweet and strong demeanor. She's great to work with. 

Virginia L, California, USA

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Book a Discovery Session with me and let’s map out a plan for you.

Why Turning Away From Him Will Turn Him On To You

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How To Bring Him Closer

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What To Look For In A Man When You're Dating

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How Can A Pair Of Crutches Lead To Men Falling Over Themselves To Be Near Us?

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Something Einstein Said...

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Uplifting! Brene Brown On Vulnerability

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I love what I do.  I believe in everyone of my clients and their ability to achieve whatever they desire.  

Michelle Manley Ltd is registered in England and Wales.

Company Registration: 8055279

VAT Registration: 468 6921 40

RRRCT Master Coach Teacher
The Coaching Academy