Feminine Energy Dating - Live Course!

next course starts 26 September 2024

Feminine Energy Dating Live! is an amazing 8 week online, LIVE course, we will take you by the hand and step by step prepare you for dating and teach you how to use your feminine energy whilst dating, and help you on the path to find your own Happy Ever After! 

We know how you feel, because we’ve all been there. And we’ve done this many times before. 

At the end of the eight weeks:

  • You’ll be fully prepared for dating, whether or not you actually start dating during the course or whether you dive in and get started straight away!
  • You'll know deep in your core what your Happy Ever After looks and feels like
  • You’ll know exactly how to get there
  • You’ll have learnt from the men you’ve been dating what feels good and what doesn’t feel good. If you’ve never experienced a masculine energy man before, you soon will!
  • You’ll have effective and easy tools to identify and shift your unhelpful and unconscious patterns that have been keeping you from your Happy Ever After.
  • You’ll have scripts for every dating scenario.
  • You’ll be attracting, recognising and enjoying spending time with high quality masculine energy men who are keen to take you to your Happy Ever After. 

This course is designed for you if you are single, dating or in a relationship not living with your partner, and you are not happy with the situation you are in or where you want to be.  

If you are living together, engaged or married then you want Feminine Energy Relationship - Live!  Click here to find out more.

If you feel unsure which course is right for you, book a chat with us here and we’ll explore which is going to meet your needs.

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What would it feel like to move from being single to being in your relationship Happy Ever After, with a great man who adores you, cherishes you and makes you feel safe and secure? And you get to be you ….. Just as you are. 

No settling.

No putting up with unacceptable behaviour.

No second guessing.

No effort!

"It’s been eight weeks since starting FED Live and I am now in a happy, committed relationship.

But it isn’t about him because I now know that if it wasn’t him, there would be ten other perfect men out there waiting!”

This course is perfect for you if you are single and:

  • You are sick and tired of being single and, at the same time, you know you’re not going to settle for a ‘maybe’ guy.
  • You keep starting new relationships, feeling confident you’ve learnt from the last one, only for them to not work out ... again.
  • Your feelings of anxiety and neediness OR your desire to run away overwhelms you, as if you have no control over yourself and you’re worried this is pushing men away.
  • You are ‘done’ with online dating after dealing with ghosting; men you’re interested in ignoring you and only getting messages from men you’re not interested in; no-one suggesting you meet in person and, if they finally do, they look nothing like their photo!
  • You’ve done the ‘work’ and somehow that hasn’t translated into a forever love

… yet!

There is no pressure during this course to start dating, if you don't feel ready.  This is a perfect environment to prepare yourself and you will learn so much from the women that are keen to get started!

"I’m having so many dates! 

I’m dating five men! … there are so many men it’s great! 

And the best part is they all want to keep going on more dates!! That’s never happened in my life before"

Dreading Valentine's Day?

Before we go any further we want you to know …

There is nothing wrong with you!

You might be jaded and bruised, out of ideas and feeling angry, frustrated, and miserable.

But don't blame the men.

And don't blame the Dating Apps.

And what’s even more important, don't blame yourself.

We say again, there is NOTHING wrong with you!

It's maybe just your 'man picker' is broken,

Or maybe you've got yourself stuck in a pattern of unconscious behaviours that are getting in the way of a healthy relationship,

Or maybe it's simply you've been told (in all innocence) the wrong things to do where men and relationships are concerned, and to be fair, this has been most of us!

Maybe it's all 3!

And we can fix them all!

We are experts in Dating and becoming Relationship Ready.

We've helped thousands of women live their Happy Ever After.

If you want a man to take the lead when it comes to dating and relationships, to initiate the calls, the inviting, the planning, the surprises, the “wooing”, then you want a “masculine energy man”. 

And what a masculine energy man is attracted to is a feminine energy woman.

If on the one hand, you love that you are strong and independent, and capable, yet on the other hand when it comes to a relationship you’d love to be with a man who wants to adore you, cherish you, take care of you and do everything in his power to make you happy, We can assure you - you can have both! 

You get to have both when you’re in your feminine energy.

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Feminine Energy Dating - Live Course!

Next course: 26 September 2024

At 7pm - 8.30pm (UK time), 2pm - 3.30pm (EST), 11am - 12.30pm (PST), 8pm - 9.30pm (Central Europe time)


At 8pm - 9.30pm (EST), 5pm - 6.30pm (PST), 9am - 10.30am (on a Friday - Singapore), 12pm - 1.30pm (on a Friday - Australian EST)


At 7pm - 8.30pm (Sydney), 8am - 9.30am (UK time), 11am - 12.30pm (Nairobi), 12pm - 1.30pm (Dubai), 

Silver Package

  • 12 hours of live group coaching over 8 weeks with me and/or my amazing coaches crammed with content, tools and wisdom
  • A sisterhood community, supporting and empowering each other. Knowing you are not alone!
  • A resource bank of video, audio & written materials for you to peruse at your leisure. These will prepare you each week for the Live! sessions
  • A comprehensive, easy to use guide to create your own personalised feminine energy Dating Profile

Gold Package

  • 12 hours of live group coaching over 8 weeks with me and/or my amazing coaches crammed with content, tools and wisdom
  • A sisterhood community, supporting and empowering each other. Knowing you are not alone!
  • A resource bank of video, audio & written materials for you to peruse at your leisure. These will prepare you each week for the Live! sessions
  • A personalised Dating Profile, written for you, in such a way as to attract masculine energy men, ready for commitment.
  • 2 x 60 minute one to one coaching sessions which you can schedule at any time during the 8 weeks
  • An interactive community 24/7 where we’ll be supporting and coaching you in between the Live sessions, even when you’re out on dates if necessary!

For the balance you can pay in instalments through Klarna, PayPal or direct with us.

Full payment, or your first instalment, will be due 2 weeks before the course starts.

PLUS you will get these two great bonuses:

  • A copy of Fire Up His Desire Video & Audio Programme - the five step methodology that will instantly have a man notice a woman in a whole new way.
  • A copy of Have The Deep Connected Love You Dream Of Video & Audio Programme with additional workbook - this programme provides everything a woman needs to know to attract and build a deep intimate relationship with a man.

This course is all about dating from your feminine energy and becoming Relationship Ready, so that the next relationship you have, is your forever one!

We’re going to help you: 

  • Recognise and then stop the patterns that have been keeping you from the relationship you want
  • Form and strengthen your internal boundaries, making you feel strong on the inside, so you can safely let down your defences and be yourself
  • Stop the rollercoaster of ecstatic highs and devastating lows once and for all
  • Learn what feminine energy really is and what it means for you to be in your feminine energy
  • Learn what masculine energy really is and what it will mean for you to have a masculine energy man in your life

“This course is amazing!

Thank you so much. I feel more hopeful after your words, but it’s so true, it’s like learning a whole new language.

Truly, thank you for the safe space.”

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This course isn’t a quick fix.  It isn't about finding you the next man that you feel chemistry with and jumping into an exclusive relationship with, only to have it fizzle out in a few weeks, months or even worse, years.

This course is about getting you Relationship Ready, for your forever relationship, your own Happy Ever After. 

It’s about knowing how to keep that forever relationship fresh, passionate and loving … forever.

The best way, the quickest way to become Relationship Ready is to date men. Lots of men! 

What’s going to happen over the eight weeks is we’re going to start by helping you write a fabulous dating profile, that you will love and that will attract high quality masculine energy men.

When, and only when you're ready, you’re going to go live on an online dating app and we’re going to share with you specific Steps what will make dating easy, and we’re going to share the words to say to inspire masculine energy men to step in, step up and take the lead. 

Think of us as your Cyrano de Bergerac, your wing women, who know what to do and say in every dating scenario.

Next you’re going to date. Men. Lots of men! And then you’re going to get emotionally triggered and we’re going to get excited - yes, excited! - with you about that.

Why? Because it is inevitable that it’s going to happen. Dating is emotionally triggering, but it’s also a fantastic opportunity for change. 

At every trigger, we’re going to be there with you, teaching you simple and super effective tools to use in those moments. Tools that will, with practise, create new ways of thinking and behaving around men that will soon become second nature. 

New ways of thinking and behaving that will draw high quality men to you and hold them there. And at every step, you’ll be identifying new and strengthening existing boundaries, around keeping yourself safe and feeling empowered around men. 

Your confidence will build. 

Your belief in yourself, in men and in having your Happy Ever After will become strong too.

“I LOVED the feeling of focusing on and walking towards my Happy Ever After. I felt determined, open, focused.

Like nothing was in my way.”

"I always thought I had to take action and it feels so much better when I don’t …

This is such a powerful process.”

Michelle Manley

We’re going to get together on Zoom every week for 90 minutes, for eight weeks.

There’s going to be other women there too, women just like you, who want to nail the whole relationship thing once and for all! 

We’re all going to learn from each other, and we’re going to have some fun at the same time!

26 September 2024

If you have any questions or want to express your interest, fill in your name and address and I'll get straight back to you. 

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And, finally, as for the 'us'.

The team who will be looking after you are Michelle and her amazing coaches.  All of them are personally trained by Michelle; they love what they do and love helping women become relationship ready.

And here we are:


Yvonne Crolla, Warrington, UK

April photo

April Summers, Sydney, Australia


Isla Rose, Dublin, Ireland

Michelle Manley

Michelle Manley, Wirral, UK

I love what I do.  I believe in every one of my clients and their ability to achieve whatever they desire.  

RRRCT Master Coach Teacher
The Coaching Academy