An 8 week highly personalised live support programme
for single women who’ve had enough of dating disasters, relationship failures, and men who aren’t ready to commit
"This coaching has really, really changed my life, my whole life. And I am so happy and truly amazed
Everything you said a man would do, this man is doing, every single thing, also the things I never expected to be possible
I have no words, really no words to describe how great it feels to be with a man who's just loving you
I mean every day, I feel so happy and so blessed having this man in my life, it is just truly, truly a dream come true. I feel so loved and cherished"
Denise, 44, Life Coach, Berlin
"We are so happy together! I love living with him and somehow we make it through everything life throws at us stronger and more in love!
For certain I wouldn’t be able to do this without the skills and tools you have given me. It’s so magical "
Kate, 38, Realtor, Seattle
It’s time to do things differently when it comes to dating.
Let me guess?
- You’re tired of being single; but at the same time, you’re just not prepared to settle for a ‘maybe’ kind of guy.
- Maybe you keep starting new relationships, feeling confident you’ve learnt from the last one, only for them to not work out ... again.
- Your feelings of anxiety around men sometimes feel overwhelming; and you’re worried this pushes men away.
- Perhaps you’ve announced you are “done” with online dating after feeling let down; ghosted; ignored or only getting messages from men you’re not interested in!
And above all, you dread the next couples’ dinner or family get together as the only single woman and, even worse, being asked “How’s your love life going?”
who is attracted to YOU,
and is actually READY for commitment, so you can feel SECURE and RELAXED, and finally get on with the rest of your life!
You know you have so much love to give, and right now it’s being wasted on men who aren’t ready, for whatever reason, for what you have to offer
But here’s the great news - that means there are men out there who are missing out on YOU!
Men who ARE ready for commitment, ARE a great match for you and ARE, right now, wondering where you are!
And before I go any further I want you to know …
There is nothing wrong with you 🙂
You might be discouraged and bruised, out of ideas and feeling tired, scared, and hopeless
But don't blame the men
And what’s even more important, don't blame YOURSELF
I say again, there is NOTHING wrong with you!
- It's maybe just that your 'man picker' needs retargeting
- Or maybe you've got yourself stuck in a pattern of unconscious behaviours that are getting in the way of attracting and keeping a healthy relationship
- Or perhaps you've been given well-meaning but completely unhelpful advice where men and relationships are concerned
Maybe it's all three!
"Ultimately the thing that I got from Feminine Energy Dating - Live! is I fell in love with myself.
It’s transformed me from the inside out by creating a sense of safety I didn’t even know I could have"
Liv, 35, Clinical Counsellor, Calgary
"I watched YouTubes and TikToks, and it was all the same premise, dress like this, do your hair like this. And I thought, I’m already doing this. That can’t be it!
And then I found Michelle on TikTok and it was none of this superficial stuff on femininity. This program was the missing piece! Thank you!”
Yasmeen, 36, Administration, Ohio
The truth is, the Dating Game has changed
Men, understandably, are struggling with the ‘rules’ for dating modern women. They’re no longer sure what we really want - should they open the door for you or not?
Should they pay for dinner or will you be offended if he doesn’t allow you to split the bill?
In addition to this, we’ve seen a surge in so-called dating “gurus” whose entire approach resides around blaming men and teaching you how to demand what you want under the guise of ‘female empowerment’
The problem is, this approach doesn’t lead you to attract the kind of committed, reliable and authentic love you desire more than anything
If you want a man to take the lead when it comes to dating and relationships, to initiate the calls, the inviting, the planning, the surprises, the “wooing”, then you want a masculine energy man
And what a masculine energy man is attracted to is a feminine energy woman
But the common fear is that our feminine energy is somehow a weak, subservient, passive energy
and being in our feminine energy will mean we will lose our power and independence
The truth is that our masculine energy is not where our power is fully realised
After all, you’re here because you’re fed up of always having to take the lead in a relationship
So what if I told you that your feminine energy is the key to getting everything you want? That it allows you to be empowered, fearless, vulnerable and authentic?
A masculine energy man is attracted to the strength of our feminine energy; to our boundaries around what we want and what we don’t want and this inspires his natural instinct to make us happy
The missing piece is knowing HOW to be in your feminine energy, as this is the only way to attract (and keep) a masculine energy man who is READY to commit to you
And that’s where I come in…
Hello, I’m Michelle
I’m a certified Dating & Relationship Coach helping women to attract, and keep, a commitment-ready masculine energy man through the power of their innate feminine energy
I’ve had over a decade of experience working with hundreds of women who are hugely successful, strong and driven in their careers, friendships and life in general, with the exception of their love life
I know the struggle all too well. I was 50 before I even lived with a man and I’ve just celebrated my 1 year wedding anniversary to a wonderful, masculine energy man who makes me very happy
In my earlier career I worked in senior positions within the Corporate world, as well as a management consultant within the highly pressured financial services legal world. I created an enviable level of professional success but behind the scenes I was a mess when it came to men and worried I would be forever single
Until that is, I mastered The 4 Relationship Essentials that changed everything for me, and has since become my coaching Signature Framework
I have helped hundreds of women worldwide to shift from feeling they need to always be in control of a relationship, to instead allowing men to take the lead, and finally feel safe, secure, peaceful and relaxed in their feminine energy. All of which in turn attracts a committed, kind, loving man devoted to making her happy!
My clients have discovered the power of their feminine energy and found the secret to attracting the right man for them, giving them a renewed sense of hope and a ‘knowing’ they WILL have their happy ever after
And this is exactly what Denise discovered
All without strategy, hard work or manipulative tactics
And this is what I would love to share with you, too
So what if, in the space of just 8 weeks ...
You not only felt confident, but EXCITED to date, and could MAGNETISE the right men all from unlocking your feminine energy (even if right now you can’t imagine being ready to date)?
You had a stand out dating profile that made you irresistible to healthy masculine men ready to commit?
You knew deep in your core what your Happy Ever After looks and feels like and knew exactly how to create it?
You had the skills and techniques to identify and release all the unhelpful and unconscious patterns that have been keeping you from attracting the one?
You always had the exact words to say to a man without ever feeling like you were suppressing your own wants or needs?
You could spend time with high quality masculine energy men ready for the exact same commitment as you?
Feminine Energy Dating - Live!
(Rated ‘95% Excellent’ from past attendees!)
In this high-touch hands-on, hand-held programme you’ll learn exactly HOW to be in your feminine energy with real-life tangible techniques and life-changing tools so that you can finally secure a healthy, loving and lasting relationship, and enjoy inspirational success in your LOVE life, not just your career
Just like Anke! Since participating in Feminine Energy Dating Anke is now happily married with a beautiful little girl, to a man she met whilst on the 8 week course! Anke is 38, running her own successful financial business, based in Switzerland and here’s what she had to say about her experience
"It’s been eight weeks since starting the programme and I am now in a happy, committed relationship. But it isn’t about him because I now know that if it wasn’t him, there would be ten other perfect men out there waiting!
When I came to the programme I was looking for a masculine energy men and I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t meet that masculine man to take care of me. I thought he didn’t exist. Then through the programme I learned that I can be soft and feminine, and the strong men turned up. It was such a revelation. I had spent so long feeling frustrated and sad and then I learned how to create space for someone."
Anke, 38, Financial Services, Switzerland
And she’s not the only one!
Countless clients rave about the life-changing difference this program has made to their love lives and overall happiness
"When I met him, I didn’t make the same mistakes. I didn’t rush to exclusivity, I didn’t take control. I trusted in everything I had learned.
We’ve now been together for eight months, and it’s unlike any relationship I have ever had.
I feel like I finally have what I always dreamed of. This programme changed everything for me. I don’t think I can ever thank you enough"
Ella, 39, Lawyer, London
"It feels great to have these men show up. Somehow natural, like “this is how it’s supposed to be”.
What amazes me most is the quality of the men. I mean, I have dated before and went on many dates. But the quality of men was so different and it feels so amazing to see how it changes once I change.
I feel so truly blessed for having found you as my guide through this process. And especially after having the most amazing sixth date with a man who I would truly have judged before my time in the programme."
Deborah, 47, Account, New York
This course is perfect for you if ...
*You are single
*You’re currently dating but there’s nothing serious (yet)
*You’re in a relationship but not living with your partner, and you’re not happy with the situation you are in.
I’ve designed this program to empower women just like you to attract the love you desire with ease and to fill a glaring gap
Because the problem with most ‘feminine energy’ courses is that they only focus on what feminine energy IS and miss the vital element which is the HOW to physically be in your feminine energy in any given moment.
They teach ‘strategy’ which is masculine energy, and the opposite of feminine energy, and that’s why it doesn’t work!
But in Feminine Energy Dating - Live! You’ll be expertly guided through the Essential Steps To Creating The Relationship You Desire so you can Embody and Embed the 4 Relationship Essentials that hold the key to lasting success in your relationships.
Feminine Energy Dating - Live!
In this life changing 8 week experience you’ll access the expert guidance, wisdom and loving support you’ve been craving to help you shift from your masculine energy to your deeply alluring feminine energy and get you to your Happy Ever After FAST
- Exclusive Live Masterclasses with me, where you’ll go even deeper into the 8 Steps, and get personal coaching from me on the spot to support with whatever dating situation you are struggling with
- Powerful LIVE group coaching EVERY WEEK over Zoom for personalised direction, real-time feedback and support from my team of incredible expert coaches personally trained by me
Each week you will be guided step by step through a practical breakdown of the 8 Essential Steps to unlocking the relationship you desire so you can immediately apply it to your personal situation
This is your opportunity to receive 1-1 coaching on a specific challenge Classes rotate between all time zones and are recorded so you can catch up if you’re unable to attend a particular week
"Yesterday's session was fantastic. I feel on top of the world, I can lean back, relax and enjoy it, and everything I need is on its way, if it's not already here. Thank you for creating this amazing experience together. I can't wait to share and celebrate with you, every achievement, every step of the way."
Ruba, 35, Life Coach, Saudi Arabia
- Access to 13 Life-changing Dating Tools. Each week you’ll be introduced to at least one easy to follow, practical tool you can use “in the moment” and on your very next date. Whether it’s how to curb your nerves and feel more confident, or what to say when there’s an awkward gap in the conversation - we’ve got you covered!
- Done-For-You and Done-With-You Resources. A wealth of support to have at your fingertips during the course, and beyond, saving you hours of trial and error, including cheatsheets, step-by-step guides and awareness-raising exercises so you don’t have to figure it out yourself
- 24/7 WhatsApp group, where the coaches and I will be supporting and coaching you in between the Live sessions with whatever is coming up for you, allowing you to feel safe and taken care of throughout the 8 weeks. When you don’t know how to respond to a man, or how to interpret what he’s saying, you can send screen shots of the conversation within the group for the coach's guidance. When you’re about to go on a date and you’re feeling anxious, you’ll receive encouragement and love from the group
"You coaches are all such wonderful guides through this experience, you always give awesome advice and I love being part of the sisterhood. Where would we be without you … thank you"
Julia, 54, IT Consultant, Belgium
- A sisterhood community that supports and empowers each other. We’re in it together! One of the most powerful parts of this experience is sharing it with our beautiful community. This is an opportunity for shared experience, shared nervousness and shared excitement, and to learn from other’s experiences, mistakes, as well as their wins
(All without having to suck up the well-meaning opinions of friends or family members who think they know what’s best for you)
Step 1
LEAN BACK to attract and keep a masculine energy man
⧫ We start with an understanding of what feminine energy is, what it looks like and, most importantly, HOW to BE in your feminine energy
⧫ You’ll be introduced to the Must Have Dating Tools that are the foundations to being in your Feminine Energy, so you can immediately experience the power of your feminine energy around a man
⧫ You’ll learn the 4 Essential Needs Of A Masculine Energy Men (that are fundamentally different from what us women need), and how you can effortlessly meet those needs. (This alone is a game-changer in dating and your future relationship!)
⧫ Your personalised Feminine Energy Dating Profile will be uniquely written to attract and be an invitation to high quality masculine energy men
With a proven and tested format that, from the moment you upload it to the apps, will increase the quality of the men getting in touch (think: men wanting to take the lead, and men actively seeking a lasting commitment)
This is achieved by using specific feminine energy language that is magnetising to a man and includes key information that will draw a masculine energy man to you and put a feminine energy man off
No more dreading writing your profile and spending hours trying to capture the right tone only for it not to lead to any perfect matches!
Instead you will feel excited and proud to share your Dating Profile, (especially when the guaranteed enthusiastic feedback starts coming back from high quality men)!
Step 2
Rewrite your rules for love and release anything holding you back from what you deserve
⧫ You’ll uncover the root of any unhelpful limiting beliefs about dating/relationships, whether it’s common ones like “men on the apps are only interested in sex”, “men don’t want committed relationships anymore” or “the spark will always die”, or others personal to you which lead to feelings of hopelessness or a sense of “what’s the point?”
⧫ Then together we will gently challenge these limiting beliefs with my Limiting-Belief Buster Tool and we’ll rewire them, once and for all, with new positive beliefs that will stay with you forever, so you can feel confident to attract and keep the relationship you want
Step 3
Get Crystal Clear on Your Happy Ever After to ensure you attract the right man for you
⧫The Relationship Happy Ever After Tool. You’ll clarify the exact type of relationship you desire so you don’t waste time with men who don’t share your values or life goals
⧫You’ll learn how to immediately spot red flags and the ‘wrong’ men a mile away so you can easily swerve away before you get emotionally invested and involved with them
⧫You will learn the key to voicing what you want (without men feeling pressured or running away when they hear you want to be a wife, mother and how committed you are to having ‘The Whole Nine Yards’ when it comes to your relationship)! This means you will feel ultra confident early on that the man you’re dating is ready for the sort of commitment you want
Step 4
Get Dating-Ready!
⧫ Armed with my unique 9 Easy Steps To Dating Success Cheatsheet, you’ll feel relaxed and in control of dating in a way that feels breathtakingly easy and enjoyable
For example, knowing exactly HOW to fit in dates and avoid overwhelm with your already busy diary; answers to your biggest questions such as, how much time to spend on a first date, second date etc; as well as suggestions for unusual and fun dates that help create a meaningful connection
(No more saying yes to a 4 hour dinner date with a man you’ve just met online with your fingers crossed you’re not going to want to go home after 5 minutes!)
⧫ In addition you will have at your fingertips my Effortless Communication Scripts to give you inspiration and confidence in every dating conversation
You’ll feel equipped and empowered to respond no matter the scenario and never again worry what to say or how to say it - whether he’s pushing for dinner on a first date and you just want to meet for a coffee; or when he’s chatting over text but not asking you out
⧫ These crib sheets contain everything I’ve learnt from over a decade of my own personal dating nightmares and have been honed to perfection from another decade of coaching clients. In fact, these two resources are so transformational that they are ALONE worth the investment in this course!
Step 5
STOP! what you are doing that’s not working for you
⧫ My STOP Tool will ensure you are super clear on exactly what you’ve been unconsciously doing from your masculine energy that has been leading to men showing up with a lack of action, commitment and constancy. You’ll also see what unintentionally you’ve been doing that has actually been pushing men away! You’ll have aha moment after aha moment!
⧫ The STOP Daily Diary, and just 5 minutes a day for a week, will give you immediate clarity on what you personally need to stop for your own unique situation
⧫ To replace what you have been doing that has been pushing men away and attracting men who want YOU to do the work you will learn The ‘Being The Prize’ Tool so you can effortlessly draw men to you and inspire and super-charge their ‘action-taking’ masculine energy, without having to DO a thing
Step 6
Start! sharing your feelings and needs with confidence
⧫ Men love emotion! You’ll learn why you don’t need to be scared to share your feelings and emotions with a masculine energy man and why they are in fact exactly what a man wants to know and experience from you
⧫ You’ll learn the simple truth why, when you have shared your feelings in the past, it hasn’t been received well by a man
⧫ You’ll learn the life-changing Feminine Energy Feeling Language Tool so you can gently and authentically share what you’re feeling and experiencing with a man so you instantly feel seen and heard, and he steps up to fix whatever’s wrong
Step 7
How to Be Fully Present With a Man
⧫ Your feminine energy is key to inspiring his masculine energy. You’ll learn two powerful tools that will instantly drop you into your feminine energy when you’re around a man so he leans into that warm inviting space you’ve created. (You’ll SEE him instantly moving towards you!)
⧫Imagine that wonderful exhale when you feel grounded and calm, allowing you to melt into the date, knowing he’s lapping up everything you’re saying and instinctively wanting to take the lead, knowing he’s definitely going to ask you out again. (No more anxiety or worry about whether you’re saying and doing the right things.)
⧫ The “How to Handle Any Dating Scenario Guide”. Your cheat’s guide to all the “how-tos” to navigate any situation on your path to finding lasting love
Imagine having all the answers at your fingertips such as, what to do when the bill arrives, how to handle long silences with a man you like, how to introduce your children, and how to respond when he talks about his ex, and so much more!
Step 8
Fall in love
⧫ You’re going to Fall In Love… with you, with dating and with everything going on around you, so you’re ready to fall in love with him
⧫ You’ll learn why the strength of your self-love directly impacts the strength of a man’s love for you
⧫ The powerful Falling In Love With Everything Tool you’ll learn will bring peace, safety and relief to your life, and in turn will attract and entice masculine energy men who will want to add to your peace and safety
⧫ The “Feminine Energy Dating ‘Tools’ Book” Your cheat’s guide to all the tools you have learnt during this program so that far beyond your time with us you’ll have a practical reference to all the “how-tos” to navigate any situation on your path to finding lasting love, so you can feel grounded and confident before a first date and stay calm and composed when things don’t go to plan
These Two Amazing EXTRA Bonuses!
My two foundational video courses
It’s obvious when you see what’s included
the value of this is ENORMOUS!
And there are three incredible investment options to choose from with flexible payment plans
Option 1: Silver Package
➤ Access to a Live Masterclass with Michelle ‘The key to attracting the right man, who’s ready for commitment’. In this highly interactive Masterclass you’ll learn directly from veteran coach Michelle Manley, who will share her wisdom and provide personalised support
➤ 8 Live Group Classes Each week you will be guided step by step through the 8 week curriculum focusing around the 4 Relationship Essentials
➤ Unlimited 24/7 WhatsApp Coaching Support
➤ The 13 life-changing 'Dating Tools'
➤ The Guide to Handling Any Dating Scenario
➤ The 9 Easy Steps To Dating Success Cheatsheet
➤ The Effortless CommunicationScripts To Dating Guide
➤ The Feminine Energy Dating ‘Tools’ Book
➤ A Sisterhood community that supports and empowers each other
➤ Lifetime Access to Recordings of the Live Group Classes and Masterclass
➤ The Bonuses listed above
PLUS - just for this Silver Package Option
➤ 'Done With You' Dating Profile Writing Video and Workbook & Drop-in Q&A Live session
Total Value = £22,964
But you will pay a fraction of this!
Choose from either one easy payment of just
(approx $1967 US)
Or 3 monthly payments of just
(approx $668 US)
The price of this package will increase the next time it's hosted!
Option 2: Gold Package
10 Women Only
(The one where you get extra 1-1 personalised support from
your Lead Coach)
Includes everything from the Silver Package
➤ ‘Done For You’ Feminine Energy Dating Profile
The ‘Superstar Dating Profile Writer’ Yvonne will craft a unique, personalised dating profile ready to be uploaded to the current popular dating apps
➤ 1 x additional Live Masterclass with Michelle Manley
‘How to balance staying in your feminine energy while also staying true to who you are’. Each Masterclass will take you deeper into the 4 Relationship Essentials and provide first hand wisdom from veteran coach, Michelle
Plus - just for this Gold Package Option
➤ 2 x 60 minute 1-1 Coaching Sessions with your Group Lead Coach
These highly personalised and focused coaching sessions can be scheduled at any time during the 8 weeks. You will be able to dive deeper into whatever areas feel vital to you with the coach that knows you best - the one who has been leading your Group Class
Total Value = £25,595
But you will pay a fraction of this!
Choose from either one easy payment of just
(approx $2624 US)
Or 3 monthly payments of just
(approx $886 US)
The price of this package will increase the next time it's hosted!
Option 3: Platinum Package
5 Women Only
(The one where you get oooodles of extra 1-1 personalised support from Michelle Manley!)
Includes everything from the Gold Package
➤ 2 x additional Live Masterclasses with Michelle
Both ‘Breaking the relationship patterns of the past, once and for all’ and ‘How to get found by the men you'd like to date‘ give you the opportunity to learn direct from Michelle herself. Making a total of 4 Live Masterclasses with Michelle
➤ 3 x 60 minute 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Head Coach Michelle Manley*
These highly personalised and focused coaching sessions can be scheduled at any time during the 8 weeks and will be with Michelle Manley herself!
(* these replace the 2 x 60 minute 1-1 Coaching Sessions with the Lead Coach in the Gold Package)
Plus just for this Platinum VIP Package
➤ Unlimited 24/7 WhatsApp support with Michelle
Total Value = £30,958
But you will pay a fraction of this!
Choose from either one easy payment of just
(approx $3281 US)
Or 3 monthly payments of just
(approx $1106 US)
The price of this package will increase the next time it's hosted!
The First 10 to sign up will also receive my unique 'Only One Of It's Kind'
Relationship Essentials Audit
So you can find out in a matter of minutes the feminine energy gaps you currently have that are keeping you from the relationship you desire!
Through a series of targeted questions The Audit will delve into each of The 4 Relationship Essentials and highlight where your Feminine Energy Relationship strengths and biggest opportunity areas are
You’ll have a one-to-one 30 minute Zoom call with ME where I will reveal your results and leave you with a personalised plan so you know what to prioritise to get the best possible results from the 8 week course
I am the first to create and offer this life-changing Audit
You literally won’t find it anywhere else!
If you were to hire a 1-1 coach to support you with the equivalent of what is covered in these 8 weeks (from the masterclasses with me to the live calls and 24/7 WhatsApp support) it would easily cost upwards of £10,000+, not to mention the value of the suite of practical ‘Dating Tools’ and materials that are yours to keep and refer to forever
And yet, that’s still WILDLY insignificant compared to what it would be worth to finally have the answer as to why you haven’t yet been successful in love.
Just spend a moment adding up the emotional expense of relationships not working out, of missing out on motherhood or of the hours, months and years spent ‘dating’ when you could be there living your Happy Ever After
I find it hard to put into words my thankfulness for being able to have my gorgeous, masculine energy, ever present rock of a husband after so many years of thinking it wasn’t going to happen
It took me 20 years before I figured this out and now I would love you to have the answers so you can shortcut your way to securing the man of your dreams FAR SOONER than you ever thought possible
Unsure if this is the right course for you or have questions that aren’t answered?
You have 3 choices at this point:
- Carry on as you are feeling helpless, hopeless and at the end of your tether, living in hope and believing that your luck may change and that he will somehow show up
- Keep trying to figure it out yourself, with self-help books, video programmes and advice from your friends, which may well take you years, if at all
- OR you can join us on the proven Feminine Energy Dating - Live! course that has helped many women, just like you, to achieve the relationship they want, even if they had been unlucky in love before
You can be swept off your feet just like Cindy, who effortlessly suddenly had men lining up to book a date with her ...
... all through doing nothing!
"I have had a lovely day of “leaning back”. I received three date invites and I said yes to all of them. I’m seeing them on Friday, Saturday and Monday. I’m going to get some practise in this weekend"
Cindy, 49, Entrepreneur, Missouri
You can never again worry that it's not going to happen for you like Annie, who hadn’t been on a good date in many years, and during this programme had men - good men! - clamouring for her attention!
“Yesterday I had a call with a guy and he was mesmerized by what he called my femininity! I let him guide, and I didn’t do anything to impress him. It is such a relief “
Annie, 52, Teacher, Sydney
Meet Your Expert Coaches
April Summers
April is the real deal! She’s warm, funny, empathic and super astute. April can get to the heart of what’s going on for a client fast. Her wealth of experience and soft, straight-talking approach is valued by her clients
Yvonne Crolla
Yvonne is patient, compassionate and quick to get the heart of what a client needs. She is valued by her clients for her transformative coaching skills, and her ability to help clients empower their feminine energy and inspire the masculine energy men around them
Isla Rose
Isla is a winning combination of softness, and strength, and her exceptional coaching expertise belies her years. She absolutely walks the talk and knows first hand the transformational qualities feminine energy has on a relationship
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you ready for the relationship you have always wanted?
Limited Spots Available - Jump into your preferred option RIGHT NOW
Silver Package
➤8 Live Group Classes and recordings
➤24/7 WhatsApp Support
➤Live Masterclass
➤Course Resources
➤ ‘Done With You’ Dating Profile and Live Q&A
Total Value = £22,964
But you will pay a fraction of this!
Pay in Full
(approx $1967 US)
Or 3 payments of
(Approx $668 US)
Gold Package
Includes everything from the Gold Package
(The one where you get extra 1-1 personalised support from your Lead Coach)
➤ ‘Done For You’ Feminine Energy Dating Profile
➤ 1 x additional Live Masterclass with Michelle Manley
➤ 2 x 60 minute 1-1 Coaching Sessions with your Group Lead Coach
Total Value = £25,595
But you will pay a fraction of this!
Pay in Full
(approx $2624 US)
Or 3 payments of
(Approx $886 US)
Platinum VIP Package
Includes everything from the Gold Package
(The one where you get oooodles of extra 1-1 personalised support from Michelle Manley!)
➤ 2 x additional Live Masterclasses with Michelle
➤ 3 x 60 minute 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Head Coach Michelle Manley (instead of sessions with the lead coach)
Total Value = £30,958
But you will pay a fraction of this!
Pay in Full
(approx $3281 US)
Or 3 payments of
(Approx $1106 US)
Unsure if this is the right course for you or have questions that aren’t answered?
"Oh my goodness, this is quite amazing! I’ve never had so many men approach me!"
Jennifer, 55, Accountant, Oregon
"I’m so grateful for meeting you all, because you made this life changing for me. I’ll miss you all"
Geanina, 35, Barcelona